Who else has received their “Winter Works” reminder letters from council? If you’re not sure what we’re on about, the land development industry (alongside many others) is subject to an “Earthworks Season.”

This is generally from the beginning of October through to end of March, when territorial authorities allow for significantly more earthworks under their permits and resource consents. These permits include robust measures to protect our environment.
“Earthworks Season” is geared around getting a lot done while protecting our environment to our best ability. Activities like earthworks and excavation affect our environment, people, and properties around our work sites, as they disturb the soil or land surfaces. Daylight savings means we have longer daylight hours, and in theory better weather (warmer, drier, less windy conditions). With better weather comes more opportunity to carry out earthworks in an environmentally safe way.
It’s a matter of safety too. Our people and the people who work with us and alongside us on sites are our number one priotiy. Being able to undertake major earthworks when the ground is more stable means earthworks such as excavation and fill works can be carried out in a safer manner than outside earthworks season.
Winter earthworks can still take place, albeit on a limited scale. For example, small scale earthworks can be undertaken, but even then, a developer must apply for special consideration.

That’s why yesterday, we took time out as a team to celebrate the end of a hectic 6 – 7 months of earthworks progress on our sites. While it’s an exhausting time, we actually love it.
“It’s when we can see our hard work start to take shape and when we can really start to use our technical expertise and problem-solving skills as different site complexities start to come to the fore,” says Clayton McKenzie, Managing Director.